Planted Association of Kansas (PAK) is a group of committed Kansas stakeholders representing all regions of who organized in 2018 as the state’s 501(c)6 non-profit trade association for new and regenerative agricultural endeavors including the reintroduction of hemp. The Planted Association of Kansas was created through ongoing collaborative partnerships between Kansans for Hemp, Kansas Farmers for Alternative Crop Expansion (KS FACE), Bleeding Kansas Advocates and other partners. The organization’s overall mission is to spread awareness, provide education and advocacy, networking opportunities, and promote sustainable best practices for regenerative industries in the Heartland.
View our Hemp Resources document here:
Become a Planted Member!
Member Benefits:
- Members only email newsletter & special reports
- Discount on annual Kansas Hemp Symposium(TM) or other events
- Discounts from participating PAK members on products and services
- * Access to all sections of the website including evidence-based research
- * Guidance from network of subject matter experts and board members
- * Eligibility to run for PAK Board (after 2 consecutive years of membership)
- * Eligibility for committee participation
- * Access to PAK online membership directory
- * Public relations team to educate about the benefits and growth of hemp
- * Listing in the Business & Farming Member Directory on the PAK website, with a link to your site
- * Opportunities to exhibit products at trade shows and events
- * Opportunity to have an PAK Featured Member Profile in the Member Newsletter
- * PAK Member Newsletter
- ** Permission to post your business logo on the PAK website and the PAK logo on your business website
* Full Business and Farmer members ONLY benefit
**Full Business members ONLY benefit
Membership Levels: – Business Level: $100 – Farm Membership: $50 – Student and friend of farmer memberships: $25